Generates a block of n dodecahedra where the vertices of each dodecahedron represent a landmark configuration with p = 20 points in k = 3 dimensions. The data block is transformed using generalized Procrustes analysis.

  n = 10,
  dist_x = NULL,
  dist_y = NULL,
  dist_z = NULL,
  theta_x = NULL,
  theta_y = NULL,
  theta_z = NULL,
  size = NULL,
  noise = NULL,
  vertex_shift = NULL,
  plot = FALSE



the number of configurations to generate for the data block. Default is 10. Must be 2 or greater.

dist_x, dist_y, dist_z

optional integer or vector to specify a distance along the stated axis (i.e. dist_x for the x axis) for translating the configurations. If no value is specified then configurations will not be translated. If a single integer is supplied (e.g. dist_x = 1) then all configurations will be translated along an axis by the same amount. If a vector of length n is supplied (e.g. dist_x = 1:10) then each configuration will be translated by a value corresponding to its position in the vector.

theta_x, theta_y, theta_z

optional integer or vector to specify an angle for rotating the configuration about its origin in the stated axis (i.e. theta_x for the x axis). If no value is specified then configurations will not be rotated. If a single integer is supplied (e.g. theta_x = 30) then all configurations will be rotated by the same amount. If a vector of length n is supplied (e.g. theta_x = seq(from = 0, to = 210, by = 30)) then each configuration will be rotated by a value corresponding to its position in the vector.


optional integer or vector for scaling the configurations. If no value is specified then configurations will not be scaled relative to one another. If a single integer is supplied (e.g. size = 1) then all configurations will be scaled by the same amount. If a vector of length n is supplied (e.g. size = 1:10) then each configuration will be scaled by a value corresponding to its position in the vector.


optional integer for introducing noise to the configurations. If no value is specified then runif(1, min = 0, max = (1 / 100)) is added to each of the x, y and z positions of each point in each configuration. This small amount of noise is added so that no configuration has identical coordinates. The amount of noise that is introduced to the data block can be increased by specifying a noise value that is greater than 1.


optional integer or vector to specify a distance along the z axis for translating the first vertex in each configuration. This argument can be used to introduce variation into the data block. If no value is specified then vertex 1 in each configuration will not be translated. If a single integer is supplied (e.g. vertex_shift = 1) then vertex 1 in all configurations will be translated along the z axis by the same amount. If a vector of length n is supplied (e.g. vertex_shift = 1:10) then vertex 1 in each configuration will be translated by a value corresponding to its position in the vector. Things get really fun when you use both vertex_shift and theta_z together (see example 2 below).


a logical value indicating whether the configurations should be plotted. Default is FALSE.


a 'blockList' object of n dodecahedra, used for downstream analyses. The list contains the elements:


configurations without Procrustes transformation


configurations after Procrustes transformation organised into a 3D array


configurations after Procrustes transformation organised into a 2D matrix


centroid sizes of the configurations


number of points in the configurations of each data block


number of dimensions that the points in each configuration has


number of configurations included in each data block


dodecBlock builds a data block of configurations that have been transformed using generalized Procrustes analysis. The resulting data block is a three dimensional array with n = 2 or greater configurations, with each configuration represented by p = 20 points that have k = 3 dimensions. Several objects are calculated for downstream analyses including centroid sizes for each configuration. formatBlock uses the cSize function from the Morpho package (Schlager 2017), and the gpagen, two.d.array and arrayspecs functions from the geomorph package (Adams and Ot?rola-Castillo 2013).


Adams DC, Ot?rola-Castillo E. 2013. geomorph: an R package for the collection and analysis of geometric morphometric shape data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:393-399

Schlager S. 2017. Morpho and Rvcg-shape analysis in R. In Zheng G, Li S, Sz?kely (eds.) Statistical shape and deformation analysis. Academic Press, London. Pp. 217-256.


# Example 1: Generate a block with ten configurations block <- dodecBlock() # Example 2: Generate a block with five configurations. # Rotate the configurations and translate the first vertex in each configuration. # Plot the result. block2 <- dodecBlock(n = 5, theta_z = seq(from = 0, to = 270, by = 60), vertex_shift = 0:4, plot = TRUE)